What are the different types of Nudges?
Nudges are personalized messages that help you provide meaningful, ongoing support to loved ones who are grieving.
Check-in Nudges
Check-in Nudges will remind you to reach out to your person and suggest specific ways you can support them.
- Add a Person
- Select a Check-in Nudge Frequency
Sample Check-in Nudge: "Have you checked-in with Taylor recently? It's OK if this feels awkward. It's awkward for Taylor, too."
Reminder Nudges
Add important support dates for your person (such as the day their loved one died). Reminder Nudges will arrive when the dates are coming up and provide suggestions for timely support.
- Add a Person
- Add a Grief Date
- Add the Reason for the Reminder
- Select the Date of the Event (estimate if you only know the month)
- Toggle your Desired Frequency Options
Sample Reminder Nudge: "Remember: Tomorrow is a support day for Taylor - grandmother's death. Learn what people who are grieving want you to know."
Grief 101 Nudges
Teach you more about grief and how to support people you care about.
- You will automatically start receiving Grief 101 Nudges
- Adjust the frequency of Grief 101 Nudges by visiting Settings
- Review educational content anytime from the Resources section
Sample Grief 101 Nudge: "Grief is much more than sadness. Any emotion can be felt inside of grief."